Thursday, September 4, 2008

Communication Hands

Just about everyone makes hand gestures to get an idea across or without even thinking about it, much. Hands are so important when it comes to communication as well as in religious practice with beads, candles, and symbolic gestures. Hands can be beautiful or they can upset you, pointing at you in an unfriendly way.

The shaking fist, the language of the deaf, the slipping on of a ring, waving hello, saying come over here, making the sign of peace.


Deborah Godin said...

I've heard that people who are traveling or working abroad can get instruction on local customs regarding hand and finger gestures, so they don't do something innocent at home but totally rude where they're going. Not a bad idea. Your post brings up another question - is sign language pretty much international??

Coffee Messiah said...

I'm sorry I'm not Italian for all the hand gestures I seem to make, without realizing! ; )

mouse (aka kimy) said...

sometimes the hands say things we don't mean.....

wonderful addition to t.t....

Fish Whisperer said...

When in a foreign land hand gestures usually get me by untim I get some local language down. Cool post.

bitchlet said...

That picture scares me a little. In a strange way.